Why not? I explain from my perspective.
Showing: 1 - 5 of 5 RESULTS May 2022
The Must Watch Murder Mystery to hit Netflix: Knives Out (No Spoiler Review)
This is my SPOILER-FREE review of the movie Knives Out. Now you can read what is so great about it without having the movie spoilt for you!
The lack of sweet appeal in Zumbo’s Just Desserts
I actually sat through Zumbo’s Just Desserts Season 2. It was awful, annoying, and obviously rigged. Here is my scathing review of the show.
The Must Watch Murder Mystery to hit Netflix: Knives Out
So finally after seeing this movie being repeatedly recommended for watching everytime I login to Netflix, I decided to watch it. No regrets. It’s a great movie! Here’s my review. (WARNING: SPOILER ALERT)
The Initial Symptoms of Burnout 😵
I’m writing this post right now as I am battling burnout. It is still ongoing. I am just sharing my journey.