I don’t like running. There, I’ve said it. So if I don’t like running, why is this blog full of marathons and ultramarathons??
Blogposts about my experience in the competitive races and fun runs I have taken part in.
Running the full marathon in the Standard Chartered KL Marathon 2017
I ran the full marathon at the SCKLM 2017 in May this year. Sadly, didn’t hit sub-6. Still, it was a good run.
King of Kampung Kemensah 2017
My trail run at this year’s King of Kampung Kemensah went much better than it did last year, even though it was a longer route. Plus, this blogpost is only 3 months late! An improvement for me all around!
King of Kampung Kemensah 2016
This was my second trail run participation. And yes, this blogpost is 15 months late.
My second 50km road ultra at Route 68 2017
My second attempt at a 50km road ultramarathon was one of the most mentally challenging runs for me, personally. Especially with less than an hour’s sleep before the run.
TITI Ultra 50
My first 50km traversing ultra at Titi Ultra – one of the toughest road ultra marathons in Malaysia! I came, I saw, I finished!!!
Ultra Marathons – Loops vs Traversing
Wondering what’s the difference between a loop and a traversing ultra marathon? Here’s a brief explanation based on my experience.
Putrajaya Night Marathon 2016
Another half-marathon which I joined last year. Yes, this is another overdue blogpost.
2nd Eventbiz Charity Trail Run 2016
My first attempt at trail run, which was in February last year. Not much to report… just a lot of photos. Oh, and some videos I took of a really good performance!
Malaysia Women Marathon 2017
I joined Malaysia Women Marathon again, this time in the full marathon. So many things did not go well in this event – both personally, as well as with the actual event itself. Read about my experience.