I actually sat through Zumbo’s Just Desserts Season 2. It was awful, annoying, and obviously rigged. Here is my scathing review of the show.

The Must Watch Murder Mystery to hit Netflix: Knives Out
So finally after seeing this movie being repeatedly recommended for watching everytime I login to Netflix, I decided to watch it. No regrets. It’s a great movie! Here’s my review. (WARNING: SPOILER ALERT)

The Initial Symptoms of Burnout 😵
I’m writing this post right now as I am battling burnout. It is still ongoing. I am just sharing my journey.

Need a Mortgage Calculator? This one is great for you
Buying property but not sure what term to take and how much the monthly payments would be? This is why you would need a mortgage calculator!

Why You Should Buy a Vacation Home on Long Island
Looking for a vacation home? Here’s why you should buy one on Long Island, New York!

Missing Solitaire on your computer? Play it online for free. Warning: It’s deceptively addictive
If you think you won’t get hooked playing Solitaire… think again.

Food Systems Challenge by InventFuture Global – My experience as a facilitator
During the last two weeks of July, I had the opportunity of working with an international team that had organized a global student challenge – the Food Systems Challenge! Here’s my experience as a facilitator.

When to Sell Your Home
Selling a home is a big decision to make. When most buyers purchase a property, they see themselves living out their lives within those walls, but that’s not meant to be for most people. The average person moves at least eleven times in their life, so it’s okay to admit it’s time for a change.
If you’re unsure whether it’s time to sell your home, consider if one of these life changes has happened to you.

Looking for ways to “waste” your time online? Here’s one of the best
What is more fun than playing games? Packed full of different games – including educational games – this website is my new go-to!

Influencer Marketing – Yay or Nay?
What is influencer marketing and does it actually work? Here’s what I say.