WARNING, PEOPLE!!! The trojans are mutating faster than we can keep up with.
These are articles taken from my technical blog, back when it was live at zyenweb.com. I have taken the blog down, but I’ve decided to retain some of the articles that have been proven to be helpful to others (based on feedback). Hope they will be of help to you too!
Plagiarism on the Internet
With the Internet booming the way it is, everything is now accessible and copy-and-pasteable. I suppose it would come to this soon enough, but it’s disheartening when it happens anyway.
Trojan Attack: JS:Illredir-B [Trj]
It’s 3.30am and way past my bedtime, but I feel this is extremely important and I must highlight this to everyone.
Enabling the Acer Aspire 5000 series radio hardware
Can’t find the wireless radio switch for Acer Aspire 5000 series laptops? Initially I couldn’t either. So here I am to offer some help.