As part of their community service, Surya Yoga organised a blood donation drive with the National Blood Bank of Malaysia recently. Held on 24th March, the blood donation drive was a success as they met their quota of the number of blood donations, although a few donors had to be rejected due to various reasons.

Even those who are unable to donate blood were welcomed to attend the drive for the light buffet lunch and to attend the talks on anger management and the benefits of blood donation.
Prior to their blood donation drive, Surya Yoga had a major awareness campaign going on, with numerous posters plastered all over the studio and on Facebook. They also had a unique campaign called “Strike A Pose For Charity” where free T-shirts were given away to the yoga studio members on condition that they upload photos of them doing yoga poses with the T-shirt onto social media.

This was my contribution for their blood donation drive awareness campaign!

A bit “syiok sendiri“* but that’s what the campaign was about!
Go to the next page for the actual blood donation drive!
*syiok sendiri = Bahasa Melayu for “self-induced glorification”