I had the honour and the opportunity to attend a press conference organised by the World Bachata Festival last week. Yes, this blogpost is a little late, I know. I had been completely tied up the rest of last week, and then I had the misfortune to fall sick the whole of this week.

However, this blog post is not too late, I hope! The World Bachata Festival is right around the corner – this weekend, in fact!


Qliq Damansara is one of the sponsors of the World Bachata Festival 2016
Qliq Damansara is one of the sponsors of the World Bachata Festival 2016

The press conference was held at Qliq Damansara on Tuesday, 1st November 2016. To be honest, I hadn’t heard of Qliq Damansara before this, much less know where it is.

Qliq Damansara is a nice, chic hotel nestled within Empire Damansara, which isn’t too far from the commercial hub of IPC/Curve/Tesco Mutiara Damansara. It’s not one of those big setups like a 5 or 6-star hotel, but because it’s relatively new, it’s clean and efficient, and their service staff are attentive and outstanding. Their function rooms were functional, with the necessary set up that was needed for a press conference such as this.

Qliq also prepared a delicious spread of refreshments for the press conference. I must admit that I couldn’t stop eating because everything tasted so good.

Fried rice, sausage rolls, cinnamon rolls, and watermelon.Simple, and simply delicious!
Fried rice, sausage rolls, cinnamon rolls, and watermelon.Simple, and simply delicious!

Also… the next thing I’m going to share might make me look ulu-fied (“backwards / behind civilization”), but I got pretty excited when I saw this in the common area between the function rooms.

Lockable phone charging units!
Lockable phone charging units!

These are lockable units equipped with a wall charger each! They are so relevant in today’s time, where everyone’s smart phone is an appendage (including me!!!!)! And we all know how quickly a smart phone’s battery drains, even if you’re not playing Pokemon Go (which I don’t, by the way). You can safely leave your phone with your charger in one of these units to charge while you’re attending the conference or seminar; and come back to retrieve them later.

If you’d like to pay Qliq a visit, check out Qliq Damansara’s website here, or you can just pop in to their hotel – look up their location below.


With some time to spare during the press conference, the organisers decided to show us a little preview of what to expect at the festival! Okay, that’s not really true. They were just having fun, the way dancers always do – break out into dance!

The bachata breakout! DJ Selva dances with Prabha while Liitha dances with DJ Gupson
The bachata breakout! DJ Selva dances with Prabha while Liitha dances with DJ Gupson

And of course, a blogpost is never complete without selfies and we-fies.

Proof that I was here at the World Bachata Festival 2016 Press Conference!
Proof that I was here at the World Bachata Festival 2016 Press Conference!
Me with the amazing Liitha Krishnan, founder of World Bachata Festival
Me with the amazing Liitha Krishnan, founder of World Bachata Festival
Me with Vithyaa Ramiah, the personable emcee of WBF and Chief Imagination Officer of Lotus Platinum
Me with Vithyaa Ramiah, the personable emcee of WBF and Chief Imagination Officer of Lotus Platinum
Me with Gopal Balakrishnan, one of the talented photographers of WBF
Me with Gopal Balakrishnan, one of the talented photographers of WBF
Me with Hari Jr, a super talented photographer. Follow his Instagram on @thestreetshutter!
Me with Hari Jr, a super talented photographer. Follow his Instagram on @thestreetshutter!
Me with the famous DJ MC Gupson!
Me with the famous DJ MC Gupson!
Me with the cool cat DJ Selva
Me with the cool cat DJ Selva
Me with Trutz Winter, director of Qliq Damansara, one of the sponsors of WBF2016
Me with Trutz Winter, director of Qliq Damansara, one of the sponsors of WBF2016
Me with Rajesh Daswani of Monte's, one of the sponsors of WBF2016
Me with Rajesh Daswani of Monte’s, one of the sponsors of WBF2016
Me with Mathavan Achuthan, one of the tireless members on the organising team of WBF2016
Me with Mathavan Achuthan, one of the tireless members on the organising team of WBF2016
And of course, a group photo!
And of course, a group photo!

Thank you to World Bachata Festival 2016 for inviting me to join this cozy press conference! I’m looking forward to the festival this Friday!!!