With my birthday around the corner, it’s time to do my annual wishlist! Actually it’s only my second wishlist because I made my wishlist for the first time EVER last year. See how undemanding I am? Or rather, how I used to be. Hahaha.
Last year, I received one gift from my wishlist… which came with more than what I wanted. Erm, I don’t mean I only received one gift. I received quite a few, some also from my wishlist, but this particular one I was referring to came with very interesting packaging. Read on to find out what it was…
So anyway folks, here is my wishlist for 2008:
Yeah, that will be my wish the day I am a beauty pageant finalist, which won’t ever happen in this lifetime. So here’s my real wishlist:
Diamonds. Big ol’ rocks
My own mansion, in my own name, 100% paid for
A credit card with unlimited spending limit, in my name
A brand new phone. I have my eye on the Apple iPhone…
A new computer/laptop? Drool…
Luxury car… ooohhh….
Petrol to go with the car? It’s really expensive… Hahahahaha.
Can’t afford the above? The following are fine…
Books. Or book voucher. Minus the toilet seat cover. (This is the present I received last year!)
Jewelry. If not diamond, then white gold or silver. Hehe.
Chocolates of the dark variety. Yumm.
HDD videocamera! I still haven’t got one!!!
Here are what not to get me:
Hello Kitty merchandise. Or merchandise of any other Japanese cartoon character.
Chick lit or romance novels. I don’t read those kind of stuff.
Ferrero Rocher. I don’t really like this chocolate brand. Get me chocs from Belgium or Switzerland…
By the way, I won’t be in town on my birthday, so don’t be offended when you don’t receive a thank-you reply if you sent me a birthday greeting. Alternatively, you can wish me happy birthday using the comment form below!
When’s my birthday, you ask? Surely you should know by now!