With only one week left to my birthday, I realised that I forgot to post my annual wishlist. Well, it’s not too late… so here it is:

MacBook Air
MacBook Air
High Definition Hard Disk Drive Videocamera (JVC)
High Definition Hard Disk Drive Videocamera (JVC)
DSLR lenses for Nikon D60
DSLR lenses for Nikon D60

OKOK, I know that no one’s going to buy me any of the above. If anyone’s looking to buy me a present, here’s an idea of what to get or not to get for me:

  1. DON’T buy me meaningless trinkets to put on tables which will end up collecting dust and taking up precious table space. They just clutter up my workspace.
  2. DON’T buy me clothes.
  3. DON’T buy me shoes or handbags either. I do like shoes and handbags, but my taste is rather selective. And selective doesn’t necessarily mean expensive.
  4. DON’T get me plumbing accessories. I do NOT need extensions for my tap and toilet seat, thank you.

What I WOULD like are probably more practical stuff. I know I’m very boring that way, but what the hey, it’s the engineer in me speaking.

  1. Having said the above about meaningless trinkets however, useful trinkets are fine. Things like squeezable soft toys are good as squeeze toys. Even interesting statues or Newton’s cradle which serve as excellent conversation pieces are great.
  2. Books!! Or book vouchers. I love Terry Pratchett. But while I’ve read a lot of the books in his Discworld series, I can’t list which of his books I haven’t read yet that I would like to get because there is quite a number.
  3. Have I told anyone how much I love dark chocolates?
  4. My own condominium. Like, seriously.
  5. I do need a wireless mouse, but it’s a really weird thing to put on a birthday wishlist.
  6. I also need a sling bag but I wonder if people really know what kind of sling bag I’m looking for.

If in doubt about what to get, please refer to the first list on top. You know, the one with the pictures to help you get an idea of what it is exactly I’m looking for. :D:D:D:D

Actually, seriously I’d be happy if people just remembered my birthday for once without my reminding them…