My first attempt at trail run, which was in February last year. Not much to report… just a lot of photos. Oh, and some videos I took of a really good performance!
Lunar New Year Run 2016
The cute medal prompted us to sign up for this run, in celebration of the year of the monkey of 2016. This is a blogpost full of photos. Throwback post!
Dragon Back Run 2016
My first run for the year 2016. A throwback post.
24H 2016 – My Best Ever Ultra Experience!
My second attempt at an ultramarathon. This was one of my best experiences with one of the best organising teams, and I had done my furthest distance ever up to this point in time! As this event is more than a year old, this is a #throwback post.
My First Completed Full Marathon at the Cyberjaya Twincity Marathon 2016
My second attempt at a full marathon is finally a successful one! Another overdue #throwback post.
My First Failed Attempt at a Full Marathon at the Park Marathon 2015
My first attempt at a full marathon – which was also my first DNF event. *sadface* (Another throwback post)
My first ultra run at the Bukit Cinta Ultra 2015
My first attempt at an ultramarathon at the Bukit Cinta Ultra 2015. The sweat, the tears, and the pain. (Yes another overdue throwback post!)
HAWK Run 2015
We joined the HAWK Run… which had a pretty rough start. This is another overdue throwback post.
Larian Gegar 2015
My second attempt at running Bukit Cinta, in the Larian Gegar 2015. Yes, this is an overdue throwback post.
Our 2 seconds of fame in RevRun 2015
Andrew, Oppy, and I had the opportunity to be part of the video to promote RevRun 2016.